Coming Trends in SEO to Offer Great Boost

Natural referencing and its optimization is a constantly changing subject. Each year, Google offers new features and constantly improves its algorithm to better meet the needs of Internet users. These developments are therefore not easy to follow for SEO experts as well as for novices. We there walk the mile into the current SEO trends for 2020.

Content, still king for SEO 2020?

As in previous years, for the SEO 2020 vintage, content creation is one of the most important components in an SEO strategy. It is this which allows developing its visibility on the net. Remember, however, that you are writing for humans and not for Google’s algorithm.

What is quality content?

Your content must answer the questions that Internet users ask themselves with useful, recent and reliable information. It should also be structured with titles, boxes or bolding. HTML markup should be designed in such a way as to highlight the most relevant information.

The importance of user intention

The BERT update has already taken its marks in the United States. We must therefore expect changes in the French SERP soon. Google always seeks to respond better to the intention of the user. This update allows the search engine to better understand natural language.

Voice search

Voice search is gaining more and more ground. According to Google, in 2019, voice represented nearly 20% of searches. The explosion in sales of Google Home, but also Amazon’s Alexa are certainly not for nothing. So much so that the search engine estimates the proportion of voice searches at 50% in 2020.

Featured snippets

When you ask Google a question, the search engine displays an insert at the top of the results page, with the best answer to your question. This is called the “featured snippet” . The response displayed in this insert generally comes from the first 10 results of the query.

How to optimize for featured snippets?

Once again, long tail keywords are preferred. Snippets most often appear in response to a question asked by the Internet user. So work on the questions that your target might have and how they would formulate them.

The “Mobile First”

Mobile search is also a major trend in SEO 2020. Almost 57% of visits from organic traffic are made from a mobile device. Except that the screen of a smartphone makes reading more difficult. Google values ​​the user experience and therefore the content that is suitable for reading on mobile. Only 12% of results stay the same on mobile and desktop. You must therefore optimize to make your content more readable on smartphones and tablets. The average attention span of an Internet user is on average 8 seconds. This will allow him to capture his attention to make him want to know more. Also, don’t forget to make sure your site is responsive.

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